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[Charvel] 데졸레이션 DX, DS 시리즈 - Guitarist Dave Nassie

작성자 : tonequestshop 작성일 : 2014.01.15 10:54 조회수 : 6011
첨부파일 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.

Charvel Desolation Soloist DX-1 FR Demo

Guitarist Dave Nassie puts the Charvel Desolation Soloist DX-1 FR through the paces in this demo.
Nassie offers a clean tone demo on a model featuring the brand new Purple Burst finish and a dirty tone version in the new Trans Marigold.

Charvel Desolation DS-1 ST Demo

Guitarist Dave Nassie demos the Charvel Desolation DS-1 ST in this video.
Nassie focuses on clean tones with a NEW Trans Marigold model and goes for dirty tones with a NEW Purple Burst version.

Charvel Desolation DS-3 Demo

Guitarist Dave Nassie offers both a clean and dirty tone demo of the new Charvel Desolation DS-3 in Snow White.