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알아두면 유용한 정보!! 플레이 전 손풀기~!!!

작성자 : tonequestshop 작성일 : 2011.07.11 조회수 : 5604
첨부파일 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.

사람의 손에는 각각 27개의 뼈가, 손목에는 8개의 뼈가 있습니다. 사람몸의 전체 206개의 뼈 중 1/3인 70개의 뼈가 당신의 연주에 쓰이는 거죠.
연주하기 전에 손에 스트레칭을 하여 근육을 풀어주고 유연성을 높여 손가락을 따뜻하게 하면 플레이하는데 많은 도움이 됩니다.

There are many videos on “Guitar Playing Strength” exercises. I focused on the warm up before you play.

Hand Warm-Up Stretches for Better Playing

Rub Your Hands Together
Rub your hands together. This starts to warms them up.

Wrist Flex Exercise
Holding the tips of the fingers, pull the hand gently out away from your body and down.
Then, flex back towards the body. Do this a few times. This will give you flexibility.

Finger Flex Stretch
Like getting the benefit of the wrist flex, hold the tip of the finger and gently flex the finger out away from the body and down.
Then flex back towards the body. Again, do this a few times.

Fan Stretch for flexibility while you play guitar
Holding your hands in front of you, stretch the fingers on your hands out as far as they will go.
Hold for a few seconds and then rest. Repeat a few times.

Wrist Circles
Make fists and rotate each at the wrist gently clockwise about 10 times then switch direction.

Hand Shake
Side to side, and up and down, shake your hands.
This simple hand exercise wakes up the nerves and gets blood flowing.
This is great before you play as well as after you play during your cool down.
It seems very simple and silly but this one actually is one of the best.

In-Between Finger Stretch
This stretches the space in your fingers.
Taking two fingers of the opposite hand place them in the web of your fingers and just massage it a bit.

Hand Massage for Musicians
Just massage the palms out to the tip of the finger.

출처 : http://www.bulletcable.com/
By Ted McCann